
Hi, y'all! I'm a first-time mom who struggled to get pregnant - which made me take a look at the products I was using and how we could be living "cleaner". I was inspired by the book It Starts with an Egg and after reading it, slowly started to incorporate products and lifestyle changes that reduced harmful chemicals and ingredients. A few months later (with the help of some fertility treatments) I was pregnant. Since then, I had a perfect baby girl named Sloane who is eight months old! I'll never know for sure if living cleaner is what helped us conceive, but from what I have read and researched, it's still important to me to continue this lifestyle!

I wanted somewhere to share all the things I've been learning along the way: baby products I love (and some I don't), outfits (Sloane and I have a shopping problem), and clean products that I've tried (and letting you know whether or not they work).

I'm learning as I go and hopefully saving some of you from having to do the same. If Instagram is more your thing, you can follow us at @cleanlivingmama where we'll be sharing lots of what we find!


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